“Deborah Heimann is a great editor. She is not only highly skilled in the uses of language, she takes into account the style and sensibilities of the writer in making her corrections and suggestions.”
I listen to you. I ask you questions. I listen to your answers.
I support you in your quest to connect more deeply to your story, to how you want to be seen and heard in this world.
I am a practical, methodical, efficient, and careful reader.
I am a precise editor of copy, clean proofreader, thorough indexer, and inquisitive collaborator.
“Deb Heimann’s superb editing skills have helped my writing come alive.”
Manuscript Evaluation If you are not sure your manuscript is ready for an editor but you don’t know what to do next, I can provide you with an evaluation of what is there, what might be missing, and how to approach the next draft. I don’t touch a word of your manuscript—you receive a long letter from me with examples and suggestions.
Line Editing I make suggestions and add questions directly in the text, with substantial revisions described in an overview summary document that accompanies your revised manuscript. Line editing is deeper than copyediting, but if you choose this level of editing, I could also include the elements of a copyedit.
“Deb is my go-to referral when someone needs quality editing.”
Copyediting I pay close attention to clarity, sense, word choice, redundancies, and inconsistencies in tone or narrative voice. This level includes revisions for spelling errors, typos, punctuation, and capitalization; I also note awkward sentences and transitions.
Proofreading I correct formatting issues, typos, punctuation and capitalization errors, and anything that jumps out as extremely awkward.
Indexing I create a text map, to be included at the back of your book, of words and phrases that are key to the concepts within it.
Recent publishers I have worked with as a copyediter, proofreader, and indexer include